So, we have to stay home, and we have to keep physical distance from each other, and we have to care for our health, our sanitation and sanity, so how do we do all that?
Although I got some concerts cancellations, and we barely made it back home from our vacation (we had to find a new flight as ours was cancelled), there is a light at the end of this tunnel- and it is all about how we react to the situation.
I decided I will look at all the benefits this situation is imposing on me and share some of them with you, in hope to inspire some positivity:
I find it is an extraordinary opportunity to do the things I never get to do in the normal days cause I can’t find the time (and most of them I can do with my pajamas on).
Tomo is (finally) painting our guests room.
Decluttering – I started sorting out my clothes, really neatly, and (this time) I am getting rid of the stuff I haven’t been wearing for the last 3 years (I am gathering everything to a big sack I’ll later take to a friend who is all about donations).
I am making the design changes I wished for my website for so long, added two galleries – Art and Photography, to which I am adding pics every day, and a blog, and I write this love post.
I have also finished working on my new online course– which is already online and live, Yay! And is a natural continuation of the first one.
I call my sister every morning and my mom every evening on WhatsApp, to tell them how much I love them and hear how they are doing overseas (and guess what?- they are just as home-prisoners as I am).
I got messages from friends I haven’t spoken to for a long time asking me how I am doing. It seems this situation makes us very introspective and on the same time (or maybe as a result) very caring for others. Suddenly we have intimacy and time with ourselves and our closest family, we have time to think of our dearests, the close and the far away ones.
I also listen to a new book on my Audible app, and boy! I enjoy it so much.
My Yoga lessons are cancelled for the moment so every morning I exercise on my own for 10 minutes just to keep my back in shape (I actually do it and that, by itself, is one miracle). Meanwhile, my Yoga teacher is working on her app so she can teach us online- how creative is that!?
I am taking an online course on Money Manifesting with the amazing Leonie Dawson.
I managed to make some Japanese Sweets for Tomo as he can’t get them here in Spain, they came out perfect according to him, so I am so pleased.
Photo by Tomoyuki Hotta
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Let’s make the best of this time, let’s be as positive about it as we can and take care of ourselves, treat ourselves with compassion and tenderness.
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